Friday, February 5, 2010

Blog Post for Feb 5

While watching the videos in class this week, it really got me thinking of what advertisements really do. With the "Killing us Softly 3" video, she had a lot of good points about how women are centralized more than what men are. We all pretty much new this but still it was kind of interesting to actually sit down and think about all the advertisements that do include women and not men. I agree with her saying that women are more centralized but does that mean the ladies in general have to listen to what the advertisement is saying? She brought up the point that a lot of teenage girls say they are not how they'd like to look. This is all because of the image we get, just like it was mentioned in "Killing Us Softly". But I do kind of disagree with some of this. For example, when I walk around campus or the mall, wherever, I am probably one of three kids that have on sprint car racing shirts. That defines me as an individual, a redneck kind of, but yet I wear the American Eagle jeans all faded out and with holes in them, so basically I'm a "hick-prep" so to say. But what does that matter, who cares??? I try my hardest not to be like anyone else. I don't wear the same cloths that Brad Pitt does just because every girl thinks he's the cutest guy around. Yes culture changes, but if we let other people tell us what we need to be like, or just to satisfy someone, then there's something wrong. For example, in Culture Jam when the guy breaks up with his girlfriend because she doesn't look like that model he's always thinking about, right there is a prime example. That girl will go out and do whatever she can to look like her just to please him! Heck tell the guy to kiss your butt and find someone that appreciates you for who are and not who they want you to be!


  1. Wow, so i agree with you that we women are more likely to feel that we have to change our body image to be what the media says. I think that everyone should be as comfortable in their skin as you, to wear what you want and do what i want. I try my best but sometimes i do get influenced like everyone else. I really like your last few sentences about the boyfriend and the girl, but its a girl thing to understand it better i think. And i also think that some girls take the image thing too far.

  2. I definitely agree with your statements! I think it's great that you are the "hick-prep", because that is who you are. I think it is important to maintain your image and not conform to anyone else's standards, especially in the media. This is one of the major problems now, the fact that no one is their own person anymore, they simply follow the way the people look in the media. I also agree with the fact that if someone does not like you for who you are, they honestly aren't worth your time and effort. I think everyone has become so emerged in what the media wants others to look like that people are intimidated in being anything other that the "norm", and by norm I mean what the media declares the norm.

  3. I think you took the words right out of my mouth, so to speak. I, just like you, can wear what ever I want but I am not like anyone else. I don't think that the clothing I wear define me. I define me, as a person. When someone just looks at me they don't see me, at least not for the REAL me. And if they look at me and don't want to get to know me, their loss. I like to be different but there is only so many clothing choices out there. Unless she wants us to run around wrapped in plain cloth and leaves. My clothing doesn't define me, end of story.

  4. I think we like to say, "It's cool to be who you are." or "I'll accept you for who you are." But in practice we do something much different. When's the last time you spotted someone who stood out in the mall or at school or in an office who somehow "looked differently" than everybody else. What was your first thought regarding that person? Be honest with yourself.

  5. Well, honestly when I walk into the mall and see someone totally different than me, I give them credit for being themselves. I might not run right up and say "Hi I'm Mike" but I definitely wouldn't ignore them or stand there and make fun of them.

  6. I like what you said that u dont try and be like anyone else. But the thing is that everyone doenst think that way. Some may feel as though they have to fit in or look like the next person that walks down the street or who is in the magazines. Some people have to feel as though they are hip or even pretty enough. I just wonder why people have to want to look or be like someone to feel like they belong.

  7. well first off Id like to give yo credit for your last sentence "tell the guy to kiss your butt and find someone that appreciates you for who are and not who they want you to be!" We shouldnt have to change for anyone. But te sad part is that this isnt how the world works. Women and girls still feel the pressure to be perfect because its pushed and shoved in our faces all the time. And I dont care what anyone says because we are all affected in one way or another. Secondly I agree when you say that women feel more pressure then men because this is true.
