Friday, January 29, 2010

Blog Post for Jan. 29

Based from the "Noise" passage in Culture Jam.

As I was doing a reading assignment for my World History class, my phone went off. I was in the middle of the reading so I just ignored it and tried to get back with the flow of the reading. Then like 5 minutes later, it went off again, of course when I was finally starting to get focused in my material again. So, now I am more interested about what my phone has received whether it's a text or voicemail. So, I checked it out. They were just random messages saying nothing of any importance, but yet it still got all of my attention! Once we hear a noise, it seems like we have to go investigate or find out what it was and we have completely forgotten about what we really should be doing, like me reading my History text! In Culture Jam, it hits the nail on the head with the "Noise" passage. Noise is part of our everyday lives, and we can control a lot of it, but yet we would rather be the curious cat and find out what it was instead of letting it go and focusing on the more important things!


  1. I think this falls in with Lasn's idea of "Jolts" too. Cell phone ringing or notifications "jolt" us out of whatever we are doing and immediately demand our attention. I like the personal example you use here. I am certain you are not the only one who has experienced something like this.

  2. I, myself, have done the same thing. In my case when I am reading something, I usually put my phone on vibrate. I can become completely involved in the task at hand and a simple vibration can change my entire focus. I wish it was not like this but for some reason we have the need to know what is going on. Is someone in trouble? Does someone need to talk? Sometimes I just wish we could concentrate on what we want to do or accomplish instead of worrying about all of the "noise" around us.

  3. I agree with this. This also reminds me of "jolts". I often have the same problem also I try to ignore my phone,but it keep going off. Then it be hard trying to focus again on what I was doing. Or sometimes I put my work to the side and forget that i was doing something that was important.

  4. This is way beyond true. I feel like we are so hung up on every little thing we hear and every piece of technology we come across. The other day I was sitting at my desk trying to do some school work and I hear a loud crash outside my window. So what do i do, I jump right out of my seat and look out the window to see what it was. There was a car accident, so now I am no longer focused of my work but on what was going on outside. Just like you I had lost my concentration and focus, to something that was of no importance to me. The sad part, as much as we know how bad it is, we will always look.

  5. I agree completely. I am the same way when it comes to cell phones and doing school work. They are always the easiest distraction. Loosing concentration is a lot due to noise and I agree that the "Jolts" section plays a huge role in everyones lives.

  6. I totally agree. My phone is always with me or beside me. If im reading or trying to study and it goes off, I check it right away. I cant help it. If i dont i will constantly be thinking about who texted me? or who called me? This ties along with jolts i think. Cell phones are such a big part of our lives. Walk down the hall and you see alomost everyone looking down at their phones!
