Friday, March 19, 2010

Blog Post for March 19

As I started to read A Clockwork Orange,I was thinking to myself, what a mistake on picking this book to read!! The slang they used completely baffled me, and when I would look at the Nasdat dictionary to try to help me understand what the words meant, it took about an hour to read one page! Not exactly an hour but longer than normal! This book strikes a lot of resemblance to today's world, as we know it! The main characters in the book are Alex (the gang leader and narrator), Pete, Dim, and Georgie, which are the other gang members a.k.a. his "Droogs". The pages that I have read are filled with violence such as beating people up, raping, robbing, etc. But also in class on Thursday, we discussed about certain topics we agreed or disagreed with that went right along with the novel.

The topic in class that really made me think about was whether aversion therapy should be used. In my honest opinion, I think it definitely should be used. If we have a person running around on the streets that is stalking someone and watching their every move so they can plan the perfect time to kill that person, I think that the killer should have to go through the exact same pain that the other person went through. As one of my group members was telling us the one day, that from the video of Clockwork Orange, they actually use this tactic on Alex and after watching it (the acts that he has done) makes him get sick in his stomach, because he can't stand to watch what he, himself did! That's the whole purpose of my point. People may not realize how much they do hurt others when they do a certain crime or action. And in my opinion, jail time is a good thing, but that person could walk right out of a jail and do that same crime again within the hour. But what causes this, society, parenting? That's the key, I think it's a little of both. If we see all the great movie stars doing certain acts and scenes, and they get all the money and hype about it, so we go and do the same thing to try to get the same recognition, but get in serious trouble. And yet, parents can try to raise their kids a certain way, but the kid has a choice on what they want to do and are going to do it, no matter what. These topics are just my opinion, and can go either way, I just thought it was a very interesting thing to talk about,since it fit right in with A Clockwork Orange.


  1. I agree with you completely. Aversion therapy very well should be used. I believe you, myself, and Rob were the only ones standing up for this! I mean, why couldn't it be used???

    This is a great point.

  2. yes! Great response! And yes it is something how when they force him to watch these dreadful acts over and over and over again he gets ill and he cant deal with it..
